Alyssa Mendez, hospitality director, received something on her birthday last year that she didn’t expect: the devastating diagnosis of endometriosis, a condition where abnormal uterine tissue grows outside the uterus. This disease can cause fertility problems, bowel trouble, bladder issues, and more. It wasn’t what she wanted to hear from the fertility specialist, but at least Alyssa’s search for appropriate treatment could begin after three years of “unexplained infertility.”
She discovered that one in ten women are diagnosed with endometriosis, but many doctors believe it actually affects one in five women! And yet, doctors who specialize in the treatment of this disease are few; there are none in Lubbock.
Regardless of her fertility status, Alyssa and her husband, Aaron, felt called to adopt. They discovered that adoption will cost about $72,000, so the couple began saving money and praying God would match them with a child. Meanwhile, they also needed to address Alyssa’s health, so they began researching treatment options.
“I wasn’t grieving an experience I’d had. I was grieving what I wouldn’t experience.”
– Alyssa Mendez
Ablation, or burning of the affected tissue, is more widely used to treat endometriosis, but it leaves patients with a 50%-70% chance of needing multiple procedures in the coming years. Surgical excision, on the other hand, involves cutting away the bad tissue along with a tiny amount of underlying good tissue, resulting in a less than 15% chance of needing further procedures. After extensive research and prayer, Alyssa felt peace about pursuing surgical excision. Unfortunately, insurance wouldn’t pay for any of that surgery, as it is not the industry standard, even though it shows a significantly better outcome. The excision surgery expense wouldn’t even count toward her deductible!
The Mendezes faced an impossible decision: pay for a surgery Alyssa desperately needed, or grow their family through adoption. They couldn’t afford both. Alyssa went to Nurse Sam, anchor nurse for Betenbough team members, with her research about excision vs. ablation. Nurse Sam presented Alyssa’s case (anonymously) to Betenbough’s board of directors. They agreed to pay for the $15,000 surgery!
Nurse Sam also helped Alyssa find a reputable surgeon in Dallas who was experienced in the surgical excision of endometriosis. Alyssa had the surgery on July 29, 2024.

After surgery, the doctor reported that Alyssa had been suffering from stage four endometriosis, meaning it had infiltrated her bowels, bladder, and reproductive organs. There was also good news: they think they got it all.
Alyssa has recovered well and feels so much better than before the surgery. She shares her gratitude that the company paid for her procedure:
“Their decision allowed us to move forward with our dream of having a family while also taking care of my body. Because of the board’s decision, we didn’t have to choose between those priorities.”
There’s more good news. Two weeks after the surgery, a mom chose Alyssa and Aaron to adopt her unborn son! This baby is due in February of 2025, and by law the birth mother cannot sign away her parental rights until after he is born. Please pray this “hopeful adoption” becomes a son for the Mendez family.

Alyssa cannot stop talking about the Lord’s goodness through all of this. “He allowed me to take care of my body before becoming a mom. God is giving us the gift of health and a family.” And she wants every employee of Betenbough to know that the company’s leadership truly cares for each person, not just the bottom line.