In 2020, Brittany Mohr entered the doors of Betenbough Homes as a young woman with strained family ties and a history of hurt behind her. She joined the Midland sales team to serve home buyers as a new home coordinator, quickly learning that Betenbough Homes has a different way of selling homes and leading people. Betenbough’s people-first culture was new for her, to say the least.
Brittany didn’t have the best relationship with her family. Her parents would often threaten to put her back in foster care when she would ‘act up.’ She didn’t know what trust looked like, and she wasn’t sure she even knew what family looked like, that is, until she started working at Betenbough.
“I met people who refused to give up on me even when I didn’t think I was worthy or that I could do it”
“I met people who refused to give up on me even when I didn’t think I was worthy or that I could do it,” said Brittany. “I met people like Lora Robertson who became like a mom showing me that I am capable, that she would never give up on me, and that, even if I didn’t open up to her, she would always show up for me,” she continued. “I met people like Meghan who, no matter what I said, wouldn’t judge me. They both loved me unconditionally and showed me what real family looks like.”
Lora Robertson was Brittany’s leader and the Midland sales manager during Brittany’s two years at Betenbough Homes. Meghan Johnson was the Midland connections coordinator at the time. Both played a vital role in the Lord’s greater plan for Brittany’s life.
In 2021, Brittany had the opportunity to go on her first Vision Trip to Costa Rica. She was initially supposed to go to Israel, but COVID restrictions caused the company to change plans. She was given the opportunity to join the Costa Rica trip. She unknowingly answered God’s call with a “yes,” completely oblivious to His plan that was beginning to be set in motion.
“It was her first day back at work after her Vision Trip and she said that God wanted her to move to Costa Rica,” said Meghan Johnson, now Permian area connections manager. “She was just sure of it.”
But as any good friend or ‘family member’ does, Meghan encouraged her to pray. As did Lora.

“For a Vision Trip, we typically make sure that people don’t have such an emotional connection that they end up making such a big decision like that without prayerfully considering it first,” said Lora. “But, a bunch of us felt like it was actually the Lord leading her there, so we began to help her make that transition.”
While Brittany heard the Lord’s voice on her trip, telling her that she would one day come back to Costa Rica, she remained patient and steadfast in prayer to find discernment in this unexpected calling. Becoming a missionary wasn’t something she had ever seen for her future, so alongside Meghan, Lora, and other team members, she asked the Lord for a sign.
And as the Lord does, He gave her not just one, but multiple signs. Six months later, Brittany moved to Costa Rica, and joined YWAM as a missionary – a transition made possible only by the support of her regional team at Betenbough.
“I wouldn’t have made it without Meghan Johnson, Haley Mize, Marisol Seegers, and Lora Robertson,” said Brittany. “They walked alongside me, guided me, prayed for me, and sought after the Lord with me. They personally asked the Lord for me. I got nothing but spiritual and emotional support and guidance from them.”
But the support didn’t stop there…
“As soon as I made the decision I was moving, I got nothing but support, not only from my region, but from people on the board,” she continued. “Thanks to Betenbough employees with the match system, I was able to raise $10,000 and gain some monthly supporters. I was able to buy a car with the funds, which is very important with the kind of ministry I do,” said Brittany.
It was a simple “yes” that led Brittany to her new home, as she now calls it. But it was selling homes at Betenbough that ultimately led her to become a faithful and bold woman that obediently surrendered her plans for the Lord’s.
“I gained friends and family at Betenbough that pushed me to grow in every way – people that believed the best in me and pushed me to believe that,” said Brittany. “This is the place where I learned to give my testimony and not to be afraid to share the Gospel. I will never forget Betenbough, not only because it was the best company I’ve ever worked for, but because it helped me become who I am today. I feel like Betenbough raised me. I walked in as a teenager and walked out as a woman. To be truthful, Betenbough changed my life.”