“Go to work. Keep to myself. Get it done.” – That was Colby Heatwole’s mindset during his beginning days at Betenbough Companies. That is, until Ryan Harris, former Betenbough Companies home office property and facilities manager, came along.
Ryan told Colby the work he was doing was ‘not enough,’ that he could be ‘so much more.’ Ryan was intentional about pointing out his potential. Colby had never heard that type of encouragement from anyone in the workplace. “For so long, I felt like nobody cared about me. I did my own thing, and it got me to the next day. I didn’t think anyone actually gave two rips about me, but Ryan did,” said Colby. Ryan saw Colby for who God made him to be and championed him to reach for his God-given potential. Ryan not only called Colby out, he called him up!
For so long, I felt like nobody cared about me. I did my own thing, and it got me to the next day.
As their relationship developed, Colby was able to open up to Ryan about their shared struggle with anxiety. One of the first steps Ryan took in helping Colby face his anxiety was challenging him to send an email to all home office employees, which for Colby felt like a giant feat. “I felt a lot of pressure. Everyone’s going to see this,” said Colby, as he explained that moment of growth. “It took some tweaking, but it was sent. Phew.” Little did Colby know, this would become a common task. With each email, his personality began to shine through his writing style and his confidence grew. Now, his emails are fan favorites at the home office because of Colby’s signature sign-offs.
Colby was given the autonomy to work on what he saw needed improvement around the home office. One of the biggest tasks Colby took ownership of was the pond in the home office garden, which was murky and filled with algae, and had been for years. Colby made it his mission to add a filtration system so the water would be clear. A mission that wasn’t assigned nor admired. This was a job that required grit and dedication. Instances like this caused Colby to see the value in his work and what he brought to the table. It wasn’t long after, Colby was awarded Culture MVP for excellence for going above and beyond in daily to-dos.
Thriving in his work and teammate relationships, it was clear to Ryan what the next step for Colby needed to be. “From the first day I met Colby, I knew he was a deep well of hunger, passion, drive, and absolute humility,” said Ryan. Without a doubt in his mind, Ryan believed that Colby belonged in a leadership position. “We need more Colby’s in leadership. You could drill all the way through Colby and you would find nothing but pure gold,” said Ryan. In a new leadership role, more opportunities for Colby to be stretched came, and his willingness to lean in followed.
Today, Colby no longer comes to work just to work. He comes to work to grow.
Today, Colby no longer comes to work just to work. He comes to work to grow. “That’s what’s so fun about this whole thing. It’s so fun to learn and grow and be challenged. It’s something I never had before,” said Colby with a smile on his face.
Colby first walked through the doors of Betenbough feeling like his work meant very little. Now, everything has changed.

“Colby’s work and being valued has changed his perception of himself and his confidence,” said Jordan Heatwole, Colby’s wife. “He knows he can be an encouragement to others and be a positive part of people’s day. Now, Colby wants to help others find that.”
The confidence she speaks of? It overflows in Colby and he credits it to God, saying, “God has confidence in me. He gave me gifts and wants me to use those gifts. He believes in me, and I believe in Him.”