“Rejoice with those who rejoice, mourn with those who mourn.” Romans 12:15
In typical corporate America, employees are expected to check their baggage at the door. Outside struggles aren’t welcome in the workplace if they hinder productivity. However, at Betenbough Companies, it’s different. Sarah Sales, former Betenbough Companies marketing team member, experienced the fruits of working in a people-first culture first-hand.
In June of 2020, Sarah found out she was pregnant with her first baby. She recalls having anxiety she couldn’t shake and confessed those struggles to Lauren Hays, Betenbough Companies leader support manager and Sarah’s leader at the time. Lauren supported Sarah in the decision to leave work to get bloodwork done. It was that very afternoon when Sarah found out she was miscarrying. “I didn’t know how to deal with this kind of thing. I just knew that I needed to not have to think about work,” Sarah said. Lauren made sure she didn’t have to, encouraging her to take time off and reassuring her that her work would be taken care of.
A few months after her first loss, Sarah opened up to the entire marketing team during Friday positives and shared she was in the early stages of her second miscarriage. During that time she gave thanks to God for the life that was still inside her, though it was fleeting. For Sarah, that was a really scary thing to share. She wasn’t sure how people would react. “I couldn’t even look at anyone as I was speaking. I could barely get the words out, but it was an act of obedience to the Lord. When I looked up, my teammates were weeping with me.”
“When I looked up, my teammates were weeping with me.”
Sarah went on to say goodbye to three more babies and a season of loss occupied Sarah’s life for two years. Sarah had three different leaders during that season and each was more supportive and loving than she could have hoped for. “When my world came crashing down, they allowed me to stop and take time to pick up the pieces. They checked in. They prayed over me countless times,” Sarah said.
Mari Rodriguez, Betenbough Companies communications manager and Sarah’s former leader, encouraged Sarah to dig deep in her faith. Mari was bold enough to tell Sarah that she wasn’t being obedient in what the Lord was inviting her to do – to write to Him. She told Sarah to take the afternoon and write a letter to herself from the Lord. “After writing that letter, I took a breath deeper than I had felt in a long time. I still remember the feeling. It felt like breathing in mountain air,” Sarah said.
And it wasn’t just leaders coming to her aid – teammates who became friends continued to rally for Sarah, willingly taking on her workload and showing love through texts, food, gifts and prayer. “Connar [Turner], my teammate and a fairly new friend, showed up in ways that some of my oldest friends didn’t. She took on my spiritual battle as a deeply personal matter. She fought for me with everything she had.” As Sarah continued to be vulnerable in the midst of her hurt, support was in every corner, from everyone. “Casey Brewer [Betenbough Companies employee support director] gathered a group of people to pray over my womb two different times, never giving up hope,” said Sarah. Connections coordinators and various team members throughout the company continued to be a splint in a season of sorrow.

It wasn’t long after that Sarah discovered she was pregnant once again. Sarah continued to battle fear, desperately trying to be present and feel joy.
Early in Sarah’s pregnancy, Sarah’s leaders sent her to Gold Monarch Healing Retreat. Prophetic words and encouragements were spoken over Sarah and her baby when she was just eight weeks pregnant that directly correlated with Sarah’s journey and name for her baby. The Lord used those confirmations to grow Sarah’s hope and joy for the future.
As Sarah’s belly grew, Betenbough team members would stop her in passing and rejoice. Every Friday positive celebrated a Baby Sales Update. Each one-on-one included discussion about the baby’s features and future. And with every ultrasound, Sarah’s team doted on the baby’s development. “They helped me feel joyful when my flesh wanted to doubt. They helped me feel hope when the enemy tried to bring fear to the forefront,” said Sarah.
In June 2022, Sarah and her husband Matthew would finally hold the baby they longed for – Nova Monroe Sales, a beautiful and healthy baby girl.

During her maternity leave, Sarah made the courageous, yet peace-filled decision to stay home with Nova. Sarah remembers Mari’s face the moment she shared her resignation. “She wasn’t just my leader looking at me, she was my friend, with tears in her eyes and joy on her face.”
As Sarah left, she received blessings and support. “I don’t think there will ever be an adequate thank you. I will never ever forget all of the people that joined my little army to fight for me when I couldn’t, and rejoiced with me when I wasn’t quite sure how to.”
Today Sarah is a mom-preneur and has launched a marketing business where she continues to use her gifts and talents with the flexibility to enjoy the gift of motherhood.