Rachel Ordonez grew up involved in church, but she’d drifted away from God in adulthood. She found herself in an unhealthy thirteen-year relationship when the Lord began to get her attention again, telling her to “come home.” Rachel left that relationship with just her five-year-old son, a car, and the clothes on her back. She needed a place of her own, and a friend recommended Betenbough Homes. The process was so smooth that Rachel says it felt “unreal.” When Kevin Bryant, experience specialist for Betenbough Homes Odessa, gave her a Bible at her closing, she cried like a baby. She felt God telling her, “This is what I had for you all those years you ignored Me. I’m not done with you yet.” The team prayed over her and her new home, and she felt a peace that hasn’t left her. Now that Bible from Betenbough sits on her kitchen counter, opened to Psalm 34. No one is allowed to move the Bible (although her son did write his initials over the verse) because it’s her reminder that a home builder brought her back to her spiritual home, the loving arms of her heavenly Father.