Ricky and Kim Freeman were living in Odessa running their business, Freeman Trucking, when their granddaughter Kynlee was diagnosed with cancer. They immediately moved to Lubbock to help navigate the treatment journey ahead.

They purchased an available Betenbough home in Valencia and quickly became well-acquainted with former Lubbock West warranty technician, Nathan Coleman, while he took care of an issue with their flooring. As Nathan got to know Ricky and Kim, he learned why they moved, and Kynlee’s story touched his heart.
Kynlee was diagnosed at age thirteen with osteosarcoma, a type of bone cancer, after an injury. What she thought was a broken leg was actually a tumor in her knee. She underwent a complete knee replacement…twice. Persistent infection kept her leg from healing, so it was eventually amputated. The cancer metastasized to her lungs. She endured countless surgeries and rigorous chemotherapy. Eventually, the cancer caused an inoperable tumor to grow in her pelvis, putting her in a wheelchair permanently.

Throughout that grueling ordeal, Nathan was frequently in contact with Kim and Ricky. They shared that he always asked about Kynlee out of genuine care and concern. He prayed for her often and even organized a prayer meeting for her at the Freeman home. The couple was surprised when about twenty Betenbough team members showed up. Kynlee was in the hospital at the time, but her sister Keltey Facetimed her so she wouldn’t miss a thing.
All through her journey with cancer, Kynlee had been told that people were praying for her, but she got to witness it when the Betenbough Homes team gathered at the Freeman’s home. She saw their tears, their faith, and their love. Ricky and Kim said the prayer time comforted Kynlee and gave her security about her salvation through Christ. Nathan said, “It felt good to surround them with peace.”

After bravely fighting her battle with cancer for more than three years, Kynlee found relief in the arms of her Heavenly Father on January 27, 2024. Her grandparents said that as her time on earth was ending, “She knew she was getting a new body, and all the terrible things she was going through on earth would be over. She looked forward to that.”
A group from Betenbough Homes attended Kynlee’s funeral.
When Betenbough Business Services marketing specialist, Jennifer Schmidt, heard about this story, she recognized Kynlee’s name. Kynlee and her sister had been campers at CrossView Christian Camp during the time that Jennifer and her husband were the Camp Directors, and Betenbough Homes supported CrossView with Community Grants at that time. Betenbough made a Kingdom investment in Kynlee when she was a child by helping send her to camp, and Betenbough invested in Kynlee at the end of her life, as well.
A friendship grew between Nathan and the Freemans as they walked a difficult road together. Nathan continues to pray for and stay in contact with them today, and the Freemans celebrated with him when his daughter was born.

When asked why he felt comfortable getting so deeply involved with these homeowners and their granddaughter, Nathan had a quick response.
“Betenbough empowers employees to be open to that. The spiritual leadership of this company equips us to do that kind of thing.”
– Nathan Coleman