Betenbough provides vision trips as unique opportunities for team members and their families to experience the work God is doing around the world and to catch the vision for what our ministry partnerships are all about. The hope is for everyone to go on a vision trip and return home with a renewed sense of purpose.
Kenya | Christian Ministries In Africa (CMIA)
March 7 – 18 | 16 participants
June 6 – 17 | 18 participants
July 4 – 15 | 16 participants
July 12 – 22 | 17 participants
September 12 – 22 | 12 participants

Sydney Goldston attended her first vision trip with Betenbough Companies in 2024. She and her father traveled to Kenya and spent 10 days with Christian Ministries in Africa (CMIA) visiting orphans at the Grace Children’s Centers in Langata, Nakuru, and Olorropil. On several occasions during their time in Kenya, the group from Betenbough would end their evening with a time of worship led by the children at the Langata center. As the group sang out each evening, both Sydney and her father were moved to tears. Life had dealt these children an unfair hand, yet they smiled and wholeheartedly praised God with a passion unlike anything the two had witnessed before. When their circumstances left them without earthly parents, these children relied on their Heavenly Father to provide. After returning home, Sydney and her father challenged each other to remember their time with CMIA and the children who touched their hearts by seeking the Lord’s provision and choosing joy.
Chile | SportQuest
March 8 – 16 | 9 participants

Turkey/Greece | Joshua Expeditions
March 23 – April 3 | 20 participants
June 22 – July 3 | 20 participants
July 13 – 24 | 17 participants
October 12 – 22 | 18 participants

Jay Christiansen, connections specialist, went on a “Footsteps of Paul” vision trip in 2024. Visiting the locations he’s read about in the Bible brought scripture to life in a whole new way. In Philippi the group got to see the very cell where Paul and Silas were beaten and imprisoned. Jay was so impacted that during the lunch break he went back for a moment alone in that place. He read the story in Acts 16, meditating on what Paul and Silas went through while standing right where it took place; it’s a moment Jay will never forget. He reads the letters of Paul and the book of Acts from a completely new perspective now. He understands them in more depth. Jay found new parallels between Paul’s experiences and his own testimony. He himself was once spiritually imprisoned. Through prayer and worship, the Lord broke those chains and set him free, just like Paul and Silas! Jay describes the trip as having “marked him for the rest of his life.”
Washington DC | Prepare International
March 24 – 30 | 7 participants

Philippines | Good News Productions International (GNPI)
April 19 – 28 | 13 participants

United Kingdom | Betel UK
April 25 – May 4 | 12 participants

Kathryn Miller, Kingdom at Work Action Group developer, went on a 2024 vision trip to the UK, and she says her worship will never be the same. The people in Betel’s program knew exactly what they’d been saved from, so they worshipped “full-throttle.” Their freedom gave Kathryn the gift of freedom in her own worship. She’s no longer concerned with judgment, and she feels liberated to be who God made her to be. The people she met on that trip taught her to be abandoned, feel joy, and even feel sadness, because it’s all from God.
Brazil | Amazon Outreach
May 1 – 12 | 10 participants

Costa Rica | Youth With A Mission (YWAM)
June 1 – 7 | 34 participants

Romania | Manna Worldwide
June 6 – 15 | 20 participants

New Mexico | Family Camp (BirdsEyeVu)
June 12 to 17 | 16 participants
June 26 – July 1 | 19 participants
July 24 – 29 | 10 participants

Logan Martinez, giving & outreach coordinator, and her family attended Family Camp for the first time this year, and they expected this vision trip to just be a fun weekend together. It turned out, however, to be a transformational experience! The Martinez family gained perspective to see how much God has been doing in their lives. Camp opened the communication within their family to a new level. They enjoyed exposure to worship styles outside their own tradition and experience. Logan loved the freedom within the camp schedule that allowed time for adventure, gathering with other families, and enjoying their own family unit. Rich and Allison Smith facilitated a safe environment for everyone to learn and grow without pressure or judgment. Logan, her husband, and her children all had tons of fun and a powerful encounter with the Lord.
Dominican Republic | Christian Relief Fund
June 19 – 25 | 15 participants

Japan | Manna Worldwide
July 10 – 20 | 14 participants

Thailand | Manna Worldwide
July 25 – August 2 | 20 participants

Belgium/Greece | Prepare International
September 12 – 21 | 20 participants

Tennessee | Narrow Gate
October 20 – 26 | 9 participants

Tyler Talley, marketing video production specialist, was powerfully impacted on his vision trip to Narrow Gate. He had been feeling like his relationship with God was stuck in neutral, but the testimonies he heard on this trip gave him the kickstart he needed to start challenging himself to deeper discipline. Complacency was replaced with inspiration as he became motivated to get out of his comfort zone and see what God can do with his willing heart. Tyler shares that he thinks everyone should visit Narrow Gate because God is just as much at work in the hills of Tennessee as He is in Europe and South America. He highly recommends this vision trip.
Cambodia | Manna Worldwide
October 30 – November 10 | 9 participants

Check out the 2025 trips here