In 2023 Lilly Romero, closing manager at Impact Title South, invited her dad, Maurice, to join her on a vision trip to Brazil with Amazon Outreach. Maurice had always wanted to visit Brazil, so he jumped at the opportunity.
Having always loved the outdoors, he was excited about the adventure of traveling the Amazon on a boat and sleeping in a hammock. But what Maurice didn’t know was how profoundly it would change him. This trip was Maurice’s first time doing any kind of mission work, but he turned out to be a natural.
Accommodations on the boat were tight, so the team was asked to only pack a carry-on and personal bag. Maurice, a retired music teacher, used most of the space in his backpack to bring tonettes and marbles, and he taught the local kids how to play both. The children were delighted when they even got to keep the toys!
Maurice’s favorite part of the ministry to communities in the Amazon River Basin was getting hugs from the children. He was so blessed by the opportunity to interact with them. Lilly describes him as reserved but possessing an ability to connect deeply with people. “He’s gifted to see the outsiders and draw them in,” she says. Everyone loved him.
He even came to be known as “Grandpa Maurice” to some of the kids.
“The people I met in Brazil were so friendly. They’d give you the shirt off their back, even though they don’t have much,” reflects Maurice. The local people’s gratitude gave Maurice a fresh appreciation for all that he has.
Maurice shares, “We need to help those less fortunate than ourselves more often, including sharing the gospel.” The satisfaction Maurice received from this experience made him want to do it again.
So he did.
Maurice remained in contact with the people from Amazon Outreach who led the vision trip, and he expressed interest in going back to Brazil. In 2024 Maurice joined a group of complete strangers from Austin, Texas and returned to the Amazon.
Once again, he had an amazing experience. And once again, everyone loved him. In fact, a few weeks after returning home, the trip leader mailed Maurice a postcard to personally thank him for joining their group.

Betenbough’s commitment to send team members and their families or guests on vision trips is truly a gift with impact. That generosity changed the life of a man who doesn’t even work here. It ignited Maurice’s passion for future mission work, and he declares that he’ll continue to go back as long as he can afford it. Lilly reflects, “You truly can never know what the Lord is going to do or how He’s going to work through you or in others.”
She recommends approaching vision trips with prayer. Lilly says, “It’s a gift and a treasure that each group comes together for that specific trip at that specific time. It will never happen exactly that way again. These trips gave my dad what he didn’t even know he was missing.”