Daniel Skolfield, detail manager for Betenbough Homes in Odessa, was on the way home from Winter Weekend 2024 with his family when he stopped at a convenience store in Wichita Falls. Tanner Wachsman, president of RJ Wachsman Homes in Wichita Falls, was driving by when he saw the Betenbough truck and pulled in to meet its driver.
Tanner knocked on Daniel’s truck window. As it rolled down, Tanner was surprised to find an entire family inside. He shares that he felt awkward and was thinking, “I’ve already been a creeper. Might as well stick with it.”
As the two men talked, Tanner was further surprised to learn that our whole company shut down and drove across state lines to celebrate and fellowship with each other.
Tanner was familiar with Betenbough Homes from when his wife attended Texas Tech University in Lubbock. As a home builder himself, he had already come to admire our home building operation, affordability, quality, and what he describes as “the Christ-like attitude” of our company.
Daniel shared about Rick’s and Ron’s hearts for the business and about Kingdom at Work. He invited Tanner to attend a Kingdom Leadership Workshop as his guest. Daniel told him it would be the best way to “learn about our culture and what made Rick and Ron’s legacy so unique.” They exchanged business cards.
The two men spoke on the phone a couple more times, talking about the home building business and the Kingdom of God.

Tanner attended the October 2024 Kingdom Leadership Workshop. He reports that the experience brought him tremendous clarity. The keynotes, breakout sessions, table talks, and other experiences gave real context to ideas he’d been thinking about but hadn’t yet taken shape. Tanner was encouraged to hear that becoming a Kingdom business is a journey, not an all-or-nothing accomplishment.
He reports, “There’s a lot of pressure to operate solely according to financial metrics, but there are people out there doing what I’ve been thinking about with real, effective strategy.” Tanner left feeling energized to exchange a scarcity mindset for one of abundance and make some changes he had been afraid to approach before the Workshop, specifically building his team.
“This isn’t a journey I have to make on my own. I’ve got people I can lean on now. It’s time to get to work. I have the tools to do it.”
– Tanner Wachsman
Who could’ve imagined that a Betenbough Homes truck wrap would be the catalyst for a business leader to attend a Kingdom Leadership Workshop? This story beautifully demonstrates that God wastes nothing in the Kingdom—not even a pitstop on the way home from a company retreat!