Molly Lopez-Cepero, DDS, co-owner of Parkview Pediatric Dentistry, believes that caring for patients should be more important than making money. When she spoke with the company’s founder, Dusty Janssen, DDS, back in 2016, she knew she’d found a refreshing, patient-focused, Christian environment. She joined his practice and later became co-owner.
Dr. Molly knew Amanda Bullen, manager of Kingdom at Work, from a past Bible study. When Amanda began leading a Kingdom at Work Action Group for female business owners in West Texas, Dr. Molly joined that group. They’ve been meeting monthly throughout 2024.
When asked how the Action Group has affected her life and business, Dr. Molly answers, “There are so many areas of impact!”

Parkview Pediatric Dentistry has always been a Kingdom business, but the Action Group has taken Dr. Molly’s Kingdom focus to the next level. For example, she recognized the need to redefine their core values to more clearly represent the company’s heart. Now the core values of Unity, Growth, Grace, and Integrity guide the team at Parkview in all they do.
The Parkview Dentistry Team believes in loving people well—both their team members and their patients. Dr. Molly’s Action Group has encouraged her in this and given her tools to do it more consistently. She says, “You never know what people are going through when they walk in the door. We want to meet them wherever they are. We can offer more than dentistry.” God has given the Parkview team opportunities to provide services to those who might not have access to them otherwise. Their mission, after all, is to provide exceptional care for all God’s children.
Her time in the Action Group has grown Dr. Molly’s leadership. She says she’s been equipped to make better decisions, lead her leaders well, set up effective teams, stop taking everything on herself, allow others opportunities for growth, and so much more.
Being a Kingdom business doesn’t exempt Parkview Dentistry from the difficult realities of running a company. The owners sometimes have to navigate big decisions and uncomfortable conversations. Dr. Molly shares that her Action Group has provided a safe place to process the hard stuff in a healthy way. She’s learned that staying silent isn’t always the best way to offer grace. She’s now more confident speaking the truth in love at work, understanding that being honest is more loving than not addressing issues.
While Dr. Molly has been growing personally, her business has been growing, too! Parkview now operates in two locations, and just this year they moved into a bigger facility. The practice has gone from one pediatric dentist to FIVE, all in an effort to better serve the community.
Dr. Molly describes her Action Group as a gathering of women who are all facing the struggles of being moms, wives, and female business owners. She says, “It’s powerful to think that these women are taking time to pray for me, my business, and my family. I respect them so much.” It’s been a healthy environment to work through problems, receive constructive solutions, learn to handle new responsibilities, and embrace accountability. Dr. Molly is thankful that God gave her this opportunity.
Kingdom at Work’s 2024 Action Groups are making an impact all over the world with groups meeting in Holland and Hungary as well as across the United States. Dr. Molly’s story is inspirational, and there are many more business owners and CEOs advancing the Kingdom in their businesses and communities because of what they’ve learned in an Action Group this year!