Faith & Co., an organization created by Seattle Pacific University, is a documentary project designed to “highlight the struggles and triumphs of people living out business as their calling.” They’ve created over 40 films with different focuses, and when they reached out to Betenbough Homes, they were looking specifically for examples related to how living out your faith in the marketplace can impact customers. The staff at Faith & Co. said a few people from across the country and from various industries recommended Betenbough Homes – which made them excited to come and hear what God is doing in our organization.
Faith & Co. developed a film that focuses on the impact Betenbough Homes had on one family in particular, the Baxter family, who bought a home in Windstone, a Betenbough Homes Lubbock Community.
Cal Zant, Betenbough Homes president, said, “What I love about this film is that it captures a beautiful example of the type of impact we have in our day-to-day that doesn’t often get the spotlight. We celebrate stories of transformation among our team members or how we helped trade partners or ministry partners around the globe – but this is an example of the kind of story that is played out literally hundreds of times every year. It’s easy to think, ‘Well, that’s just what we do here’ – but the Baxters remind us of the tremendous impact we have on families by building a beautiful, well-built, affordable home!”